Written by Julia Megret
Hi guys! This is the last post for the vowels before we move on to see what type of people the consonants are. Today we’ll be looking into the closed vowels. We already covered the closed vowels, closed-mid, and open-mid vowels, so make sure to check those out as well!
Always taking selfies throughout the day
Basically a micro-influencer at this point
Knows what’s up
Only listens to pop music or whatever is trending

Always knows the right answers in the homework
Carries a big backpack whenever on campus
Maybe it’s bricks, maybe it’s Maybelline (JK)
Keeps to themselves but is really nice

Sighing just because
Gym bro vibes (?)
Has a dedicated social media account just for fitness
Carries one of those big ass water bottles

Yea no, you completely forgot they’re in your class
Dropped off the face of earth for a while
Just comes for the exams but somehow still passes
Honestly, no one knows anything about them

The one that complains all the time
Like that classmate that just opposes anything and actually speaks up about it
Pros: them questioning you will make you think pretty critically about your opinion
Cons: it gets annoying at some point

Old money vibes
Doesn’t talk about family much
Will occasionally drop a fact about their childhood that screams rich
Rumor has it that their family owns the land that the university was built on

Thanks for reading!
Cover Photo by Abir Sultan “redemption of the firstborn donkey” (May 13, 2009)