Written by Julia Megret
Hey guys! This is the third post for our IPA personification series. If you haven’t read the previous two posts, here are the links for the first and the second post. Now without further ado, the open-mid vowels!
Won’t take anything seriously or to the heart
Animal lover
Remember how o will always show you pictures of their dog? Well ɛ here will make you show them pictures of your pets
Cuteness aggression for all animals

Artsy but in a chic way
Either into gossip or not interested at all, no in between
Always up to the latest fashion trends
Very sassy

The person who downloads a third-party app just to have a colourful keyboard on their phones
Probably into anime
And even had THAT haircut as a teen
Can definitely name all the pokemon

Cozy vibes
The one who always bakes and brings goodies to class for everyone
They’re like the warm sun on a winter day
Might or might not threaten to stab you with their knitting needles

But will moan in a very high pitch in the background when you are on a call with ANYONE
Their dream dog is probably a chihuahua and will name it princess

Survives on caffeine I’m telling you
Really into the victorian aesthetic
Listens to classical music
Will always buy the physical textbook
